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The following Batch Numbers will give up surnames in county Carlow
Proceed to Hugh Wallis' website : Hugh Wallis Batch input page or Familysearch Batch Search and enter the batch number in the approriate box for an IGI search

M701613 Aghade - Carlow
M702303 Aghade - Carlow
M701613 Bagenalstown - Carlow
M702303 Bagenalstown - Carlow
M702303 Ballon - Carlow
M702304 Ballymurphy In Saint Mullins - Carlow
M701613 Barragh - Carlow
M701623 Barragh - Carlow
M701623 Bilboa - Carlow
M702303 Borris - Carlow
M702321 Borris - Carlow
M701613 Carlow - Carlow
M701623 Carlow - Carlow
M702303 Carlow - Carlow
M701981 Clonegall - Carlow
M702302 Clonegall - Carlow
M702291 Clonegall   Carlow
M701623 Clonmelsh - Carlow
M702321 Clonmelsh - Carlow
M701617 Clonmore Near Tinahely - Carlow
M701741 Clonmore Near Tinahely - Carlow
M701981 Clonmore Near Tinahely - Carlow
M702321 Clonmore Near Tinahely (Roman Catholic Chapel) Carlow
M702303 Clonmulsh - Carlow
M701623 Clonygoose - Carlow
M701613 Cloydagh - Carlow
M701623 Cloydah - Carlow
M701613 Dunleckny - Carlow
M701623 Dunleckny - Carlow
M701613 Fennagh - Carlow
M701623 Fennagh - Carlow
M702304 Glynn - Carlow
M702322 Glynn - Carlow
M701617 Hacketstown - Carlow
M701741 Hacketstown - Carlow
M701981 Hacketstown - Carlow
M702291 Hacketstown   Carlow
M701613 Kiltennell - Carlow
M701623 Kiltennell - Carlow
M702001 Kiltennell - Carlow
M702303 Kiltennell - Carlow
M702303 Leighlinbridge - Carlow
M702321 Leighlinbridge - Carlow
M701613 Lorum - Carlow
M701623 Lorum - Carlow
M701623 Myshall - Carlow
M702303 Myshall - Carlow
M702321 Myshall - Carlow
M701613 Nurney - Carlow
M701613 Oldleighlin - Carlow
M701623 Oldleighlin - Carlow
M702001 Painestown - Carlow
M702303 Rathoe - Carlow
M702302 Rathvilly - Carlow
M702321 Rathvilly - Carlow
M701613 Rutland - Carlow
M701613 Staplestown - Carlow
M702321 Tinriland (Roman Catholic Chapel) Carlow
M702303 Tinryland - Carlow
M701613 Tullow - Carlow
M701623 Tullow - Carlow
M702303 Tullow - Carlow
M702302 Tynock - Carlow
M702303 Urglin - Carlow
M702321 Wells - Carlow

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